Journey to Health

As a school we always welcome the opportunity to work with partners to benefit the students, families, and wider community.

During the Covid Pandemic through our Munch Community Food Programme we were able to provide meals and food to our community. We were in discussion with lots of organisations during this time about how the shutdown had affected individuals and we met the Social Prescribers. In April 2021 funding was provided by Government to support schools to open their facilities up after the school day. Energise Me were the distributors of the funding in our area.

This allowed us the opportunity to explore how we could make a difference to our community who were suffering with mental health problems, been shielding throughout, being overweight, loss of confidence and generally unfit.

Social Prescribers had identified a group of ladies who were in need, and we decided to provide a fitness coach and open our facilities to these ladies.

It started very slowly with lots of hand holding and encouragement. To begin with ladies walked around the site, going upstairs and downstairs and gradually over time as confidence grew and the ladies became more confident of their surroundings, they moved to the fitness suite and bigger areas for doing circuits.

The film shows this amazing Journey to Health.

Everyone involved are proud of the ladies’ achievements and it shows how a small amount of funding with everyone working to one goal what can be achieved.