Our Ambitious Curriculum
At Park we provide a broad curriculum which allows students to find what they love to do. Our curriculum is designed to promote attainment, build resilience and increase autonomy. We are known for our inclusive approach and others describe us as ‘much more than just a school’.
We do this through:
- A broad and traditional curriculum which leads to a wide range of GCSEs and other qualifications
- Our ‘Much More Than Just a School’ curriculum which provides an exciting range of memorable experiences for our students
- Literacy underpins education at Park. Children read each day; those who struggle with their reading are well supported
- Cultural capital is important for GCSE success and success in life. We build cultural capital throughout the curriculum
- Personal development is fundamental to what we do in preparing students for life after school and the world of work. Our widely recognised careers programme gives children in every year group opportunities to consider their future and meet people from outside of school
- We encourage students to be ambitious through our links with colleges and universities
- SMSC at Park promotes British Values through a comprehensive programme of assemblies, personal development and Challenge Days
- Engaging Park students in our story and developing a sense of pride in this community
We aim to help students find what they love and therefore our curriculum focusses on developing depth of understanding, sequencing of learning to allow revisiting of concepts and application of knowledge at regular opportunities.
All students study a broad and balanced curriculum. At Key Stage 3 (years 7,8 and 9) this includes our Much More Than Just A School (MMTJAS) experiences including Enterprise at our print unit, Media making in our Media Suite, Construction at our Construction Skills Centre, Catering in the school restaurant and work at our small holding. At Key Stage 4, students study between 9-11 subjects for which they take formal qualifications.
Our curriculum is designed to fit with our school context. It begins in year 7 with a focus on Identity across all subjects wherein core knowledge and concepts are introduced, developed and explored and linked to students’ own experiences and local context initially, and ultimately one’s role as an individual in society.
When planning curriculum, subject leaders use the National Curriculum, GCSE syllabi and subject specific research to develop curriculums that match our curriculum vision.
Which subject do students study?
Year 7
- Core Subjects: English, Maths and Science
- Cultural: Geography, History, Religious Education, Spanish
- The Arts: Art, Dance, Drama, Music
- PE
- Design and Technology: Food and Design Technology
- Much More Than...: Students go to visit our small holding, participate in an enterprise project at our print business (PDP) and develop culinary skills in our school kitchen.
- IT opportunities are built in across our curriculum and through Computer Science
- SMSC: including mentoring and personal development.
Year 8
- Core Subjects: English, Maths and Science
- Cultural: Geography, History, Religious Education, Spanish, French
- The Arts: Art, Dance, Drama, Music
- PE
- Design and Technology: Food and Design Technology
- Much More Than...: Students go to visit our small holding, learn about and apply constuction skills in our Apex Centre and develop catering skills in our school kitchen.
- IT opportunities are built in across our curriculum and through Computer Science
- SMSC: including mentoring and personal development.
Year 9
- Core Subjects: English, Maths and Science
- Cultural: Geography, History, Religious Education, Spanish
- The Arts: Art, Dance, Drama, Music
- Design and Technology: Food and Design Technology
- PE
- Much More Than...: Students go to visit our small holding, learn about and apply constuction skills in our Apex Centre and develop catering skills in our school kitchen.
- IT opportunities are built in across our curriculum and through Computer Science
- SMSC: including mentoring and personal development.
Year 10
- English Language and English Literature, Maths
- CombinedScience, Triple Science
- Core PE and Religious Education
- 3 subjects from the following: Art, Computer Science, Construction, Dance, Drama, Graphics, Horticulture, Food and Nutrition, Geography, History, Music, Photography, Resistant Materials, RS, Spanish, Statistics
- SMSC: including mentoring and personal development.
Year 11
- English Language and English Literature, Maths
- Science
- Core PE and Religious Education
- 3 subjects from the following: Art, Dance, Food and Nutrition, Geography, History, Music, Photography, Resistant Materials, Spanish, Psychology, Statistics
- SMSC: including mentoring and personal development.
Booklet - GCSE Courses (2025-2027)