MUNCH ensures that no child, no matter what school or age need go hungry during the holidays.

MUNCH is back for every Holiday! | Monday - Friday 12-1pm

MUNCH is back every Thursday tea time, 4pm-5.30pm.

As a school we were aware of the food poverty that some of our community experience and were concerned our students were going hungry. This was reinforced when our local community told us how the food bank was consistently running out of food. We set up a community group to tackle food poverty in our area and in February 2017 MUNCH was born.

We successfully contacted external agencies for funding and MUNCH is now in operation supplying nutritious 2 course meals and activities for children and their families attending any Leigh Park school during the school holidays. Play equipment is provided, along with learning practitioners, who help our guests learn via play encouraging learning of vital maths and English skills. Our school nurse is also on hand, on a drop in basis for any concerns parents may have.

Our vision for MUNCH is to develop a sustainable local social enterprise by establishing a community food shop and café. This will provide volunteering and employment opportunities, as well as a casual meeting and eating venue to reduce social isolation – watch this space for more details.

We work in partnership with organisations who have excess food which otherwise would go into landfill . This helps to fill our MUNCH fridge in the Dickinson Centre. This is always fully stocked with emergency food for local families who are most in need.

We have expanded MUNCH to both Thursday nights and Sunday lunches.

MUNCH Testimonial - PO9

“I like everything about MUNCH, and the fact that they do this for people” from Olivia age 10.
“It helps me out loads. I have a large family and struggle during holidays. The kids like coming too. Thank you”.
“A huge help to those on a very limited income. Children also like to come and see any friends. A massive thank you xxx” Love Kath.
“We love MUNCH! The food is lovely, the games etc. is fantastic for the kids. It’s a great way to get them out of the house and eating a healthy meal. We really enjoy and appreciate it.” Thank you Ms Roberts.

Order a MUNCH Money Box

If you’re a local business or looking for an easy way to help us then please order one of our MUNCH Money boxes to fill up and raise money to feed local children who qualify for free school meals during the school holidays. When you have filled it up, please return it to us at school, or please contact us and we’ll collect it. We will post you a receipt and replace it on request.

Order your MUNCH money box today!

BBC Inside Out South

Park Community School's MUNCH project has been featured in BBC's Inside Out South

"We meet the Portsmouth head teacher who opens his school throughout the holidays to feed children who might otherwise be missing meals."

CHRUNCH 2018 Christmas in a box

The MUNCH team at Park Community School working in partnership with the FatFace Foundation, have created CHRUNCH to try and reduce food poverty at Christmas in the Havant area. PO9 Foodbank will be assisting with distribution from the Dickinson Centre at Park Community School.

This years CHRUNCH has now finished, the support for this project has been fantatic we wish to thank everyone that made this possible.

If you wish to support future projects please contact our school reception.


  • 9,788 Meals
  • 895 Emergency Frozen Meals
  • Over 140 guests for a Christmas Day


  • 6249 Meals
  • 417 Emergency Frozen Meals
  • Over 140 guests for Christmas Lunch


  • January to June- Closed for Covid
  • July to March – Over 2000 meals
  • Over 140 guests for Christmas Lunch


  • Closed due to COVID-19


  • 6,348 meals provided
  • 855 children attended
  • 60 schools involved
  • 140 guests for Christmas Lunch
  • 272 attended Munch-a-cise


  • 5,832 meals provided
  • 577 children attended
  • 58 schools involved
  • 158 guests for Christmas Lunch


  • 2,570 meals provided
  • 1,892 children attended
  • 34 schools involved
  • 60 Average daily attendance
  • 20+ organisations fund the project
  • 4 churches volunteering
  • 120 guests for Christmas Lunch

If anyone is hungry throughout the holidays please do contact Park Community School for further details.